Legitimacy of Saharawi Issue Buried Morocco’s Autonomy Proposal

Algerian lawyer and member of the Central Committee of the Liberation Front (FLN) Mr. Sadek Bouguetaya has indicated that the legitimacy of the Saharawi cause “has buried the Moroccan autonomy proposal, which is contrary to the UN resolutions on the decolonization of Western Sahara.”

Speaking at the Summer University of Saharawi Cadres, underway in the Algerian city of Boumerdes, Mr. Bouguetaya underlined that any Maghreb integrity “depend on the exercise by the Saharawi people of their right to freedom and independence.

Through its expansionist plans and barbaric attacks, Morocco wants to dump North Africa and Sahel region with drugs, which seeks to damage the nations and economies of the entire region.

He highlighted that Morocco remains a stumbling block to finding a settlement to the question of Western Sahara, calling upon the UN Security Council to take “strict and prompt” decisions forcing Morocco to abide by international legitimacy.

Deploring the repeated Moroccan provocation against Algeria on the ground of its stance on the Saharawi issue, Mr. Bouguetaya renewed Algeria’s principled and firm position of support to the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.

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Source: Sahara Press Service

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