South African Court Delays Case Against Blood Sucking ‘Vampire Couple’

Friends and relatives of the so-called “vampire couple” from Brooklyn, Cape Town, are furious at yet another delay in the court case that they believe will exonerate the two.

The case was postponed on Friday in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court.

“This is ridiculous,” said an angry Maya Sawicka, who was warned to be quiet by police officers when she stood up in the courtroom.

She complained and muttered angrily as she made her way to the door with wide-eyed family of the accused in tow.

Nolene Da Graca and her boyfriend Vincent “Bobby” Walters were told they would have to return to court on Tuesday, January 3.

A friend, Theresa Simons, accused the pair of allegedly drugging her, biting her, and trying to suck her blood, as well as trying to rape her after a long wine-fuelled visit on November 5.

Outside of the court, Sawicka, who sported a pentagram tattoo on her shoulder to show that she is Pagan, scoffed at claims that the two accused were vampires or disciples of Satanism, and disputed the account of how much wine was consumed, saying the two were only moderate drinkers.

“Bobby only drinks beer and Nolene will only take half a glass of wine,” she said.

Enraged by the postponement, Sawicka exclaimed: “It is not right!”

Petition for couple’s release

Sawicka said they had organised a petition for the couple’s release, and said 70 people had signed it to say that they support the release of the two.

Da Graca and Walters were supposed to have appeared in court on Thursday already for the start of expected two-day court proceedings, but their Legal Aid attorney Etienne Mentoor said they were inexplicably not called from where they were waiting at Pollsmoor Prison for their transport to the court.

The case was supposed to be heard over two days, but with the current Magistrate Aziz Hamid going on holiday on Friday until the end of January, this was no longer immediately possible.

Another magistrate would on Tuesday decide whether there was an opening in the court diary for the matter to be heard sooner.

The gaunt-looking Walters rubbed Da Graca’s shoulder affectionately as Mentoor asked Hamid to have her transferred to the hospital wing of the prison.

Blood sucking

She has diabetes and asthma and has apparently not received medical care while being kept in custody.

On November 5, in the lead-up to the alleged attack, the couple and Simons reportedly consumed four boxes of wine in the course of the day, and the alleged attack on Simons took place when her husband was taking a nap in a park across the road from them.

She reportedly alleged that at one point in the visit she felt woozy and found that Walters and De Graca were holding her down, biting and beating her and were trying to suck her blood, as well as trying to remove her clothing.

She told The Daily Voice that she kicked out at them and caused a commotion to free herself.

Simons later reported the matter to police.Not in court on Friday, Simons previously told The Daily Voice that she was changing her ways and had cut back on booze and started going to church.

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One Response to South African Court Delays Case Against Blood Sucking ‘Vampire Couple’

  1. Neddy Makonza January 7, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    This is quite crazy


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