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India most dangerous country for women with sexual violence rife — global poll

India most dangerous country for women with sexual violence rife — global poll

India is the world’s most dangerous country for women due to the high risk of sexual violence and being forced into slave labor, according to a poll of global experts released on Tuesday. War-torn Afghanistan and Syria ranked second and third in the Thomson Reuters Foundation survey of about 550 experts on women’s issues, followed […]

Women’s Empowerment Meets Male Resistance, Sexual Exploitation in Camps

Women’s Empowerment Meets Male Resistance, Sexual Exploitation in Camps

The camps for displaced people scattered across northeast Nigeria are supposed to provide safety from Boko Haram violence. But for many women the threat is no longer the jihadists: The danger is inside the camps, and stems from the attitudes of men in general. Fatima Mohammed* is the “acting women’s leader” in sprawling Bakassi Camp […]

Lost in Transition – No Change for Women’s Rights in Liberia

Lost in Transition – No Change for Women’s Rights in Liberia

However, in Liberia, women are yet to take their rightful and equal place in society, and Johnson Sirleaf’s presence has not translated into Liberian women rising from the grassroots to be equally represented in decision-making forums. In October 2017, a new government will be elected and Johnson Sirleaf’s term will come to an end. During […]

Female Farmers Rebuilding Agriculture in the Central African Republic

Female Farmers Rebuilding Agriculture in the Central African Republic

Farmers in the Central African Republic are struggling to bounce back from years of intermittent violence, where smallholder female farmers were unable to tend their fields during the conflict. With support from local non-governmental organisations working from the grassroots level, women farmers are creating new opportunities to get back on their feet. “This war affected […]

Myths, Secrets and Inequality Surround Women’s Sex Lives

Myths, Secrets and Inequality Surround Women’s Sex Lives

Mambera Hellem tells her friends and neighbours about all forms of contraception, yet despite their high HIV risk she knows many of the women she speaks to will not use condoms. When I ask Mambera and her friend Kyolaba Amina if it is a woman or a man who decides to wear a condom, Kyolaba […]

Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Empowers Women Entrepreneurs Through Global Online Mentoring Programme

Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Empowers Women Entrepreneurs Through Global Online Mentoring Programme

Today, the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (www.CherieBlairFoundation.org) hosted a special event to champion mentoring as a powerful tool for empowering women entrepreneurs in developing and emerging economies, drawing on findings from an evaluation of its Mentoring Women in Business Programme (http://apo.af/OfZXl7). Research shows that women entrepreneurs in developing and emerging economies face a number […]

Zimbabwe Women, Children Sell Sex to Survive As Hunger Bites

Zimbabwe Women, Children Sell Sex to Survive As Hunger Bites

An increase in the cost of living, exacerbated by a gloomy 2015/16 farming season has forced desperate women and young girls to sell sex at local business centres in order to survive. A recent visit by NewZimbabwe.com to Birchenough Bridge, Checheche and Dzonzai business centres established that women and young girls, including 14 year-olds, are […]

UN Envoy Commends South Sudanese Opposition Commanders’ Plan to Prevent Rape

UN Envoy Commends South Sudanese Opposition Commanders’ Plan to Prevent Rape

The United Nations Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict today commended 54 ranking members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in Opposition (SPLA-IO) for signing “explicit undertakings” to prevent conflict-related sexual violence. “This is an encouraging step towards the protection of women, children and men of South Sudan from such crimes,” said […]

Unamid Organizes Workshop On UNSCR 1325 On Women, Peace and Security in Nyala, South Darfur

Unamid Organizes Workshop On UNSCR 1325 On Women, Peace and Security in Nyala, South Darfur

On 3 November 2015, UNAMID’s Gender Advisory Unit (GAU), Sector South, in collaboration with the State Ministry of Social Affairs and the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 State Committee, organized a one-day workshop on the UNSCR 1325 Global Open Day 2015 on Women, Peace and Security at Shoumous Hall in Nyala, South Darfur. The […]

Saving Mothers And Babies Advances Africa – Melinda Gates

Saving Mothers And Babies Advances Africa – Melinda Gates

Sometimes the technical words we use to describe a problem mask its true nature.Such is the case for the hundreds of thousands of women who die during pregnancy or delivery each year across Africa. For them, the official cause of death may be recorded as postpartum hemorrhage or uterine rupture. Similarly, for the alarming number […]

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