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280 Corrupt Zimbabweans Exposed By Panama Papers

280 Corrupt Zimbabweans Exposed By Panama Papers

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has named over 280 Zimbabweans, including prominent businesspeople, who reportedly syphoned billions of dollars out of the country. The businesspeople, mostly of Caucasian extraction, have links to offshore investment vehicles. The list is contained in data from over 200 countries that was leaked to the Panama Papers and contains […]

Thousands March in The Uk Calling for Cameron to Quit Over Panama Papers Scandal

Thousands March in The Uk Calling for Cameron to Quit Over Panama Papers Scandal

Thousands of protesters have marched on Downing Street calling for David Cameron to quit in the wake of revelations about his tax affairs. The embattled Prime Minister was accused of ‘hypocrisy’ after he finally admitted profiting from more than £30,000 in an offshore tax haven. After days of pressure, Mr Cameron acknowledged he had benefited […]

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