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Renewable, Sustainable Energy – Tunisia, Cameroon Seek Partnership

Renewable, Sustainable Energy – Tunisia, Cameroon Seek Partnership

The government of Cameroon is expected to sign a partnership with Tunisia through the Borj Cedria Ecopark in the coming days. The Minister of Water Resources, Basile Atangana Kouna and the Tunisian Ambassador to Cameroon, Jalel Snoussi are in negotiations. The latter paid a courtesy call to the Minister on Friday February 17, 2017 with […]

Al-Shabaab Opposes Farmaajo’s Election

Al-Shabaab Opposes Farmaajo’s Election

A senior al-Shabab official has said his Islamic rebel group opposes the election of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as Somalia’s president. Hassan Yaqub Ali, who is a member of al-Shabab leadership and the extremist group’s governor of Galgudud region, threatened that the group will target clans and anyone who collaborates with the new president. “We will […]

The al-Qaeda threat in Mali presents a new challenge to U.N. peacekeepers making it world’s most dangerous U.N. mission

The al-Qaeda threat in Mali presents a new challenge to U.N. peacekeepers making it world’s most dangerous U.N. mission

Since World War II, U.N. peacekeepers have been dispatched to 69 conflicts — civil wars, border disputes and failed states. But now they are confronting an unsettling new threat: al-Qaeda. Here in the vast, lawless desert of northwest Africa, their convoys are being torn apart by improvised explosive devices and their compounds blasted by 1,000-pound […]

More than 140,000 families cut off from childcare payments for not vaccinating their kids

More than 140,000 families cut off from childcare payments for not vaccinating their kids

More than 140,000 families have been cut off from receiving childcare benefits for failing to vaccinate their children. The first figures from the Federal Government’s “No jab, no pay” policy show parents in Adelaide city and the Gold Coast Hinterland were most likely to not vaccinate their children. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt told TODAY […]

600 000 Fewer Tourists Since South Africa Introduced Visa Regulations

600 000 Fewer Tourists Since South Africa Introduced Visa Regulations

In the Portfolio Committee on Tourism today, it became clear that there have been 600 000 fewer tourists since the introduction of visa regulations. The regulations have clearly made it harder for people to come to South Africa. According to industry experts, 1 job is created for every 12 tourist arrivals. In a country with […]

No Money for Sanitary Pads in Schools to Fulfill President Museveni’s Promise

No Money for Sanitary Pads in Schools to Fulfill President Museveni’s Promise

Government has backtracked on its earlier pledge to provide sanitary pads to school going girls so that they do no run out of school when their menstrual periods start. While appearing before the Parliament’s Education Committee on Tuesday, Ms Janet Museveni the education minister revealed that this is not possible because the ministry does not […]

Ex-President Apollo Milton Obote Plots to Overthrow Strongman President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,

Ex-President Apollo Milton Obote Plots to Overthrow Strongman President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,

When the December 1980 general election took place, I was away in Tanzania for a course. I had escorted some 23 young officers to Tanzania for the training. It was, of course, true that that election was massively rigged. I got reports that in West Nile, anybody who was not supporting UPC (Uganda Peoples Congress) […]

7% of Priests in Australia’s Catholic Church Accused of Sexually Abusing Children

7% of Priests in Australia’s Catholic Church Accused of Sexually Abusing Children

Seven percent of priests in Australia’s Catholic Church were accused of sexually abusing children over the past several decades, a lawyer said Monday as officials investigating institutional abuse across Australia revealed for the first time the extent of the crisis. The statistics were released during the opening address of a hearing of Australia’s Royal Commission […]

Rohingya Muslim babies and children ‘being slaughtered with knives’, United Nations warns

Rohingya Muslim babies and children ‘being slaughtered with knives’, United Nations warns

Babies and children have been slaughtered with knives during a military campaign on Rohingya Muslims in Burma, according to a series of accounts in a disturbing UN report. An eight-month-old, a five-year-old and a six-year-old were all reportedly stabbed to death in their own homes during so-called “area clearance operations” by Burmese security services, which are reported […]

Drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has been extradited from Mexico to the United States, foreign ministry says

Drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has been extradited from Mexico to the United States, foreign ministry says

Notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has been extradited to the US, the Mexican government announced on Thursday. He arrived in New York on a flight from Ciudad Juarez. Mr Guzman, who could face life in a US prison, is wanted on charges of drug trafficking and smuggling vast amounts of drugs into […]

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